Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Chef and a Geisha

Hi everyone!
It's been such a busy time lately with portfolios and film work, sorry for the lack of updates!

Quick post with some watercolour life drawings from this week and last :)

Funny thing:
I studied Chinese brush painting for a few months when I was 7, and today's Geisha session was totally deja vu. I find myself really missing non-animation things lately ... like Chinese painting and flute-playing. Will start this weekend :)

Trying to do as many fast pencil-less watercolours as possible.

Critiques and comments are super appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Chinese painting too!!Haha.need to try on those paper though..hmm I like the last page the one on the left=)
    Pencil-less is hard, but what's good about it is something like the last one where you can block in huge shapes =D
