Thursday, November 17, 2011

Ecorche Studies

It's almost 4 am and I am so excited for this post - SUCH AN AMAZING DAY
I'm SO inspired by the people around me.
Thanks everyone for your inspirational chats, and your help and patience with me. 
(You know who you are!)
Y'all are so amazing I can't even get over it. <3
In the past few days, I've been working on my studies of backs in the Anatomy in Motion assignment. I'm really not an anatomy person at all, so as you can imagine I was really struggling. I always find the anatomy of the back the hardest to 'fake'.
I went to illustration life drawing three days in a row (I rarely life draw for fun, probably just because I never understood what I am working towards) and then spent a fair chunk of time today ecorcheing my drawings. As I was almost finished, something inside me just clicked and I just saw everything I wasn't able to see before. I finally understand everything that didn't work in my drawings! I know there is still tons wrong in them - but I can see them now! What the heck :D
Sometimes this program makes me question myself and it's hard to say 'I love art' ... but today is one of those days when I can go to bed and confidently say it.
I love art and I'm passionate about animation.

I didn't end up ecorcheing this one.

I used Progresso pencils and Derwent Coloursoft on Kraft paper (It's super fun. I swear.)
Ecorches are Progresso on vellum.

I will sleep well tonight! Until life drawing at 9 am tomorrow, which I'm super excited for.
I'm also excited to post more llamas tomorrow, but right now I'm too tired.
PLEASE critique, and have yourself a creative day.


  1. I love it when you just figure stuff out with your art! These are incredibly beautiful Amy! Keep it up! :)

  2. These are really good Amy nice work!

  3. super awesome stuff amy. love it :)
